Anti-burglary protection
By determining the intrusion resistance class according to EN1627:2011, the renowned Holz-Forschung Austria Institute of Vienna established that BOSAL security doors comply with ANTI-BURGLARY protection Grade IV (highest class).

By determining the intrusion resistance class according to EN1627:2011, the renowned Holz-Forschung Austria Institute of Vienna established that BOSAL security doors comply with ANTI-BURGLARY protection Grade IV (highest class).
By determining the intrusion resistance class according to standard EN1627:1630, the Institute for Materials and Structures of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade established that BOSAL security doors comply with ANTI-BURGLARY protection Grade IV (highest class).
Fire-resistance rating
LUX PP model of fire-resistant doors has been tested and certified by two autonomous bodies:
- Institute for testing of materials-IMS Institute
- IBS institut fur Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung Linz
Results are as follows:

By determening the fire-resistance rating according to SRPS U.J1.160, the Institute for testing of materials – IMS Institute, established that BOSAL security fire-resistant doors are fire-proof up to 90 minutes.
By determining the fire-resistance rating according to EN1627:2011, the renowned IBS institut fur Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung of Linz established that BOSAL security fire-resistant doors are fire-proof up to 60 minutes.
Sound insulation
Security and interior doors

Soundproof testing carried out by the Institute for testing of materials – IMS Institute, has established that the BOSAL security doors (LUX model) are soundproof up to 34dB.
Armored doors
Tested by „Mile Dragic – Production“, BOSAL armored doors comply with G2 and BR4 standards.

Protection level class BR4
DIN EN 10/63
Weapon: gun
Bullet type: 44 Magnum FJ/FN/SCP
Bullet weight: 15.6 grams
Bullet speed: 440±10m/sec
Distance: 5m
Protection level class G2
Weapon: gun
Bullet type: 44 Magnum FJ/FN/SCP
Bullet weight: 15.6 grams
Bullet speed: 480±15m/sec
Distance: 3m